DNRS 1 Month Report

I have been practicing DNRS for just over a month and the shifts that have been happening are absolutely wonderful. I went into DNRS with next to no expectations because, as I am sure many of you can relate, I have tried everything. But the progress I have made in the first month alone is more progress than I have ever made. I am so so grateful to have made the decision to give this system a shot!


Below is a summary of the experiences and shifts I have experienced in my DNRS journey in the first month:

  • I’ve stopped trying to figure out the source of all of my ITs (symptoms) and have also stopped feeling the need to fix everything. This has allowed my mind to find a new place of rest and trust that is fantastic.
  • I still have 24/7 ITs, but they don’t take up as much heart/mind space as they once did. They seem like such a small deal in comparison to only a short month ago. I have more energy to put into other aspects of my life!
  • I have given myself permission to authentically dream about and look forward to my future for the first time in my life. It is one of the most liberating shifts I have ever experienced. I have a deep trust that no matter what I dream, and no matter what becomes of those dreams, God has an amazing plan for my life.
  • I feel more grounded and connected to my loved ones and to God. I express my appreciation for those relationships much more frequently.
  • I choose to slow down when I find myself rushing. I have time and energy for what is important to me and I am starting to believe that!
  • I have experienced a joy that I have never experienced before—I didn’t know it was possible to feel so in love with the life God has given me, just as it is. Nothing NEEDS to change, I have access to that joy NOW—ITs, POPs, challenges and all. God is so good.
  • I feel excited about introducing and sharing food with my baby.
  • I am comfortable—even EXCITED, to smell and try new toiletries and cosmetics. I went to one of my favourite health food stores and tried all the smelly lotions and it was great. I have freedom to enjoy fragrances. When I catch a whiff of something fragrant, I challenge myself to lean in closer and to enjoy the smell.
  • I played volleyball with my husband and was able to calm my body and feel energized after.
  • I’ve introduced a handful of foods successfully. It has been months, maybe even years since I have managed to do this. I am excited to introduce more foods. Incremental training is something I look forward to.
  • I am practicing gratitude on a much more consistent basis.
  • I have an appointment booked to go to a spa for the first time ever with my sister next week—fragrant lotion included!
  • I feel much more at ease in social settings. When people ask me how I am doing, it’s not a complicated answer that leaves me feeling inauthentic—I can genuinely respond with, “I am doing so well!” It is absolutely incredible to be able to respond this way without any effort.
  • In general, I feel excited about leaning in to joy and experiencing new things. I trust that God will catch me in the palm of His hands—always.
  • The best part of my first month is that I celebrated a month of practice by going out on a dinner date with my husband for the very first time (we’ve been married for over 3 years). It was the first time I have dined out in over 4 years and the first time I have eaten food prepared by someone else in about the same time. The BEST part? I felt great after. This is an absolute dream come true for me. If you would have told me I’d be going out for dinner with my husband after a month of practice, I would have thought you were crazy. I am eternally grateful for this program and for God guiding me to it.

Praying someone who needs encouragement might find some after reading about my successes ❤ Looking forward to continuing this journey!

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